Save 1 minute per mail! (Outlook)

  • Is your Outlook inbox made up of dozens of folders, but are you still wasting time on endless searches for emails ever sent?

  • Do you stick multiple post-its on your desk every day, because you are afraid of forgetting important tasks and chores?

  • Are you still dragging a paper calendar with you, while you have an Outlook calendar on your PC, tablet and smartphone?

What will you learn?

During this 1-day session, you’ll discover the magical world of Outlook and how to use this program more efficiently. Say goodbye to endless post-its and multiple agenda’s, and hello to an integrated and organised overview of all your mails and tasks.

With the BestBuro method for Outlook this is definitely a thing of the past!
Thanks to this training you work more efficiently and save lots of time. Up to one minute per email.

During an extra hour of training via Teams after one month, you can ask all your questions and get more out of the method.

Extra benefit?
You can submit your question to the trainer up to one year after the training.


This course is all about learning by doing:
The course consists of a live workshop of 1 day and a follow-up online Q&A session of 1 hour a few weeks later.

Target Audience

For all


This course is deliver in English and is all about learning by doing:
The course consists of a live workshop and a follow-up online Q&A session of 1h30 a few weeks later.

You can inscribe the latest 14 days before start.
Free cancellation up to 5 days before the start.