Become a specialist in improving and controlling business processes

This course focuses on the pragmatic application of methods and techniques for managing and improving business processes, balancing theory and practice. Successful certification at the end of the training guarantees that participants will be able to manage improvement processes independently in their organisations and help build a process-oriented organisation.

Training type: Open session and In-Company
Timng: 7 days + 1 Certification day

This training will enable you to:

  • Understand and communicate the concepts and definitions around Business Process Management (BPM), its governance, and life cycle
  • Independently set up and execute an improvement project in a structured way
  • Participate in initiatives to introduce a more process-oriented organisation
  • Model, analyse, and improve processes
  • Integrate the approach of Lean Thinking and Six Sigma into improvement projects
  • Work out your own case completely and independently, and present it to a jury

Pedagogical approach

This training is a mix of theory and practice, covering both ‘hard skills’ (methods and techniques) and ‘soft skills’ (facilitation, interviewing, presentation, etc.). The theoretical parts are extensively supported by practical examples. The techniques are practised in small working groups on the basis of a case, which is the common thread throughout the training. Starting from a business problem, the teams finally arrive at an implementable solution. Certification at the end of the training confirms successful participation in the training programme.


  • Concept and definitions of Business Process Management
  • Aspects of a process-oriented organisation (strategic positioning, roles and responsibilities, steering and monitoring, cornerstones, risks)
  • Basic principles and methods of Six Sigma and Lean
  • Methodology for process improvement – Setting up a process improvement project: problem definition, scoping, objectives, prioritisation, business case, stakeholders, constraints and risks, approach.
  • Mapping and evaluating the existing process (‘As Is’) using specific techniques.
  • Developing solutions (‘To Be’) in a structured manner using specific techniques
  • Implementation and follow-up with KPIs
  • Business Game: On the last day of the seven-day programme, a business game is played where participants can put what they have learned into practice in a very realistic business environment. All aspects of a well-functioning, process-oriented organisation are covered: client satisfaction, cost control, relationship with subcontractors, lead times, management of data, use of KPIs, prioritisation, roles and responsibilities, flexibility and adaptation to unexpected circumstances, etc.

This training is aimed for:

  • Business Process Managers
  • Business Process Analysts
  • Business Analysts
  • Project Managers
  • Participants in improvement projects
  • Middle Managers

No prerequisites are required.


The certification process consists of two parts:

  • A theoretical exam, consisting of a series of multiple-choice questions and some open-ended questions.
  • The presentation of an individual, real-life case from one’s own work environment.

Typical program