Agile Functional Analysis: Bridging Requirements and Development

Join this one-day training course to :
Transform UseCases to User Stories: Bridging Business Needs with Agile Backlogs for High-Quality, Efficient Sprints.
Learn to create UseCase Diagrams, document UseCase Headers and Scenarios, and break down EPICs into manageable User Stories, ensuring alignment with Agile principles.
Enhance collaboration between development teams and functional analysts to ensure clear, accurate specifications and achieve seamless sprint execution for superior results

Training type: Open session and In-Company
Timing: 1 day

This training will enable you to:

  • Understand the differences between traditional Functional Analysis (FA) training and FA within an Agile context
  • Explain the basics of Agile methodologies, the key principles and practices of Scrum, and identify the roles in Agile/Scrum (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team) and their responsibilities
  • Differentiate between UseCases and User Stories, including their definitions and applications
  • Review and identify the components of a UseCase Diagram
  • Translate functional requirements into a UseCase Diagram
  • Describe the structure and components of a UseCase Header and document it effectively
  • Identify and document all possible scenarios within a UseCase
  • Understand the definitions and hierarchies of Theme, EPICs, Features, and User Stories in Agile
  • Break down EPICs into manageable User Stories
  • Master the Definition of Ready (DoR) and the Definition of Done (DoD)
  • Translate UseCases into User Stories, ensuring alignment with Agile principles
  • Ensure the quality of the solution via test scenarios
  • Recognize the importance of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in Agile
  • Perform effective User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and incorporate feedback into development cycles
  • Capture functional specifications, EPICs and User Stories in persistent documentation and implement strategies to ensure up-to-date documentation in an Agile environment

Pedagogical approach

This training mixes theory and practice. Each theme is first introduced based on the most up-to-date field knowledge, and various examples are added from the trainer’s own experience.
The concepts and methodologies are then experienced in workshops, on a fictional case. The participants can practice and interact about their own understanding and experience of the concepts. The workshops are rounded up by feedback and debate sessions that allow everyone to put their own practice into perspective.


  • Differences between traditional Functional analysis training and Functional analysis within an Agile context
  • Basics of Agile methodologies & Key principles and practices of Scrum
  • Roles in Agile/Scrum: Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team
  • Definitions and differences between UseCases and User Stories
  • Review of UseCase Diagram components
  • Introduce the case study for practical application
  • Translation of functional requirements into a UseCase Diagram
  • Structure and components of a UseCase Header
  • Documentation of a UseCase Header
  • Inventory of all possible Scenarios within a UseCase
  • Definitions and hierarchies: Theme, EPICs, Features, and User Stories
  • Break down of EPICs into manageable User Stories
  • Definition of Ready (DoR) / Definition of Done (DoD)
  • Process of converting UseCases into User Stories
  • Alignment with Agile principles
  • Documenting of EPICs and User Stories
  • Importance of UAT in Agile
  • Steps to perform effective UAT
  • Incorporating UAT feedback into development cycles
  • UseCase Persistent System Documentation
  • Strategies for ensuring up-to-date documentation in an Agile environment

This training is aimed for:

  • Functional analysts

No prerequisites are required.