The goal setting and measuring methodology

Are you looking to align your team and individuals with your organization’s vision? Do you want to lead and manage with a strategic framework that clarifies goals, enhances communication, and prioritizes collaboration? Do you want to write clear and simple objectives and measure them effectively? If you’re ready to think big picture and achieve success, then the OKR Training is perfect for you!

Training type: In-Company
Timing: 2 days

This training will enable you to:

  • Define the key concepts of OKRs, including Objectives and Key Results.
  • List the benefits of using OKRs in an organizational setting.
  • Write clear and concise objectives and key results for a given scenario.
  • Compare examples of well-crafted and poorly crafted OKRs.
  • Identify common pitfalls and challenges in using OKRs.
  • Compare OKRs to existing objective setting methods such as KPIs, SMART objectives, and V2MOM.
  • Demonstrate the process of setting OKRs for a team or department.
  • Describe the alignment process of OKRs from organizational to individual levels.
  • Evaluate the alignment of team or individual OKRs with the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Develop a set of OKRs for your own team or department that align with broader organizational objectives.
  • Design an action plan to implement and track OKRs in your organization.
  • Formulate strategies to effectively communicate OKRs across the entire organization to ensure understanding, buy-in, and alignment.
  • Identify common pitfalls and challenges in implementing OKRs at organisational level.

Pedagogical approach

This training mixes theory and practice. Each theme is first introduced based on the most up-to-date field knowledge, and various examples are added from the trainer’s own experience.
The concepts and methodologies are then experienced in workshops, with real or fictional cases.
The participants can practice and interact about their own understanding and experience of the concepts.
The workshops are rounded up by feedback and debate sessions that allow everyone to put their own practice into perspective.


Day 1: Organisational level OKR

  • Definition of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
  • Benefits of using OKRs in an organization
  • Differences between Objectives and Key Results
  • Characteristics of effective Objectives
  • Characteristics of effective Key Results
  • Guidelines for writing clear and concise Objectives
  • Guidelines for writing measurable and achievable Key Results
  • Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of OKRs
  • Tools and software for tracking OKRs
  • Common challenges in the initial implementation and how to overcome them
  • Overview of other methods: Target Operating Model, KPIs, SMART objectives, V2MOM

Day 2: Team Level OKR

  • Steps to implement OKRs in a team or department
  • The alignment process: From organizational OKRs to individual OKRs
  • Strategies for communicating OKRs across the organization
  • Action plans for OKRs implementation
  • Common challenges in the OKRs implementation and how to overcome them
  • Best practices in sustaining the OKR culture

This training is aimed for

  • Anyone faced with the task of drafting, deploying and measuring team and organizational objectives.

No prerequisites are required.

Typical program